“It’s funny, I used to be so concerned with who I was and what I wanted to be, and now that I have access to the furthest reaches of my brain, I see things clearly and realize that what makes us “us” — it’s primitive. They’re all obstacles. Does that make any sense? Like this pain you’re experiencing. It’s blocking you from understanding. All you know now is pain. That’s all you know, pain.”
Quote from the movie 'Lucy.' It sums up forces set against the human condition, against existentialism. So how can one believe in both? Quite simple, for me, one cannot exist without the other. Although this is a simple and crude comparison, one must find balance between the two. Only you can decide how to integrate these philosophies into daily living, which culmulates into your entire being, your understanding of your place in the Universe, not here on Earth, but the Cosmos!